Decree 564 of April 15, 2020
The National Government regulated some details regarding the suspension of the statute of limitations ordered by the Superior Council of the Judicial Branch, and regarding the implicit withdrawal.
- About the suspension of the statute of limitations:
(i) Suspended since March 16, for all actions, until the judicial terms restart.
(ii) The statutes of limitations resume the next working day after the restarting of judicial terms.
(iii) If the deadline for the application of a statute of limitations to an action was less than 30 days by March 16, the new deadline to start proceedings will be one month after the next working day of the restarting of judicial terms.
(iv) the suspension is not applicable to criminal actions.
- About the implicit withdrawal and procedures deadlines
Terms included in Article 317 (General Civil Procedural Code), in Article 178 (Administrative Procedural Code), and in Article 121 (General Civil Procedural Code), are suspended since March 16, 2020. Those terms restart one month after the next working day of the restarting of judicial terms.