The National Competition Authority, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) by means of Resolution 12169/2020 decided to continue the suspension of legal terms of administrative procedures between 1 April 2020 and until the National State of Emergency resulting from COVID-19 is lifted. The SIC had previously suspended terms from March 17 and until March 31.
The decision excludes procedures related to antitrust investigations related to the effect on the distribution of products and services and essential facilities required to solve the crisis caused by COVID-19.
Likewise, ongoing merger control procedures in which the SIC has all the necessary documentation and information to issue a decision, are excluded.
Since the State of Emergency was declared on March 17, 2020, for an initial term of 30 calendar days, the procedures will continue to be suspended, tentatively, until April 17, 2020, unless the State of Emergency is extended.