January 7th, 2021

On December 31st, 2020, by virtue of Resolution 2532, the Ministry of Health modified the biosecurity protocol for the international air transportation, adding the following measures:
- Airport operators must prohibit the consumption of food and beverages in immigration or emigration areas.
- Airlines must require prior to boarding in the country of origin, the PCR test with a negative result, regardless of the age of the traveler, and issued within a term no longer than 96 hours before the flight.
- Passengers with fever or respiratory symptoms associated with COVID-19 will not be allowed to board.
- Airlines should recommend the use of type N95 masks to those over 60 years of age or those with comorbidities.
- Allow the boarding of travelers who in the country of origin do not present the negative result of the PCR test, only when they state that they had difficulties to take it or to obtain the result in the term stipulated for the flight. In these cases, the airline must inform the traveler that once they enter the country, they must perform the PCR test and keep preventive isolation for 14 days. Isolation can end earlier if the PCR test result is negative.
- Recommend people to remain silent to avoid contagion.
- If operational terms permit, there must be an empty seat between passengers.
See full text of Resolution 2532 of 2020