Through Resolution 2782 of March 24, 2020, and given the health emergency generated by Covid-19, the General Director of the Institute of Urban Development - IDU ordered the suspension of:
(i) Road infrastructure civil work contracts in Bogotá D.C, with the following exceptions:
- Attending emergency situations due to nature events.
- Mitigating the technical instability of other elements of civil works in progress.
- Eliminating or reducing risks of collapse of the existing infrastructure.
- For absolutely essential activities, meaning civil works and auditing (interventoría) contracts that during the emergency perform work activities that, for technical, operational and safety reasons (for the operation of road infrastructure and vehicular traffic), must continue under performance.
- For consultancy services agreements whose field work can be done through telework.
In any case, the suspension must be carried out by mutual agreement with the contractors, auditors (interventores) and the technical areas; supervisors and auditors must carry out the technical analysis of the contracts that correspond to them to determine if they are covered under the exceptions.
It was also stablished that contractors and auditors (interventores) must coordinate what is necessary for the removal, disposal and custody of the elements that are currently used for the performance of the works, and also that the works in progress are left in a state of trafficability and the household connections are operating . Finally, this suspension of the contracts will not generate any additional compensation in favor of the respective contractors, except for those that the National Government may set.
(ii) Inter-administrative agreements and contracts:
Those that cannot continue under performance will be suspended, except for those regulated among the exceptions of numeral (i).
Additionally, IDU’s General Director ordered that the administrative procedures associated with the aforementioned contracts and agreements, such as disbursements or approval of reports, may be carried out on a regular basis using technological means.