Inicia licitación de Transmilenio por la Carrera Séptima

On October 22, 2018, the Urban Development Institute (“IDU” for its Spanish acronym) released, through the Public Procurement Electronic System (“SECOP II” for its Spanish acronym), the Draft Terms of Reference (General Part and Special Part) and the technical designs for selecting the individuals or companies interested in participating in the public tender (the “Public Tender”) for the “construction for the adaptation of the Transmilenio System in Carrera 7, from the 32nd Street to the 200th Street, the branch on 72nd Street between Carrera 7 and Avenida Caracas, bus yard and portal, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C.” (the “Project”).

The Project is considered to be the Country’s biggest public work megaproject; with an estimated budged close to USD$600 million. The Project strives to achieve the urban renovation of Avenida Carrera 7, one of the most emblematic avenues of the country’s Capital.

The Public Tender will be undertaken in a group system, which means that it will be performed accumulating different biddings in the same procurement procedure (8 biddings in total), but with standard Terms of Reference, common documentation and having a same award hearing, regardless of the specific requirements of each bidding. Similarly, each of the groups will have different preconstruction, construction and maintenance terms, oscillating between 98 and 118 months approximately.

The contract’s object and the estimated value of each of the groups is summarized as follows:

  • Group 1: Construction for the adaptation of the Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 32nd Street to 70th Street, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $ 72 million approximately.
  • Group 2: Construction for the adaptation of the Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 70th Street to 77th Street, branch of the 72nd Street between Carrera 7 and Avenida Caracas, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $77 million approximately. 
  • Group 3: Construction for the adaptation of the Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 77th Street to 92nd Street, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimates value: USD $70 million approximately.
  • Group 4: Construction for the adaptation of Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 92nd Street to 112th Street, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $58 million approximately.
  • Group 5: Construction for the adaptation of Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 112th Street to 147th Street, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $89 million approximately.
  • Group 6: Construction for the adaptation of Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 147th Street to 183rd Street, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $91 million approximately.
  • Group 7: Construction for the adaptation of Transmilenio system for Carrera 7 from 173rd Street to 197th Street, operational connections and other complementary works, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $36 million approximately.
  • Group 8: Construction for the adaptation of Transmilenio for Carrera 7 from 197th Street to 200th Street and a bus yard and portal located in Carrera 7 with 200th Street, in Bogotá D.C. Estimated value: USD $86 million approximately.

Among the 8 group of contracts to be awarded, the scope of works do include the: (i) intervention of 20 kilometers of road; (ii) construction of 21 Transmilenio stops; (iii) intervention of approximately 400.000 square meters of public space (sidewalks and parks); (iv) construction of 11 kilometers of bike routes; (v) Adquisition of nearly 300 lands; (vi) construction of a new bus yard and portal for Transmilenio buses in 200th Street; and (vii) construction of 3 underground roads through the length of the Project (72nd Street, 85th Street and 94th Street).

The first phase of the Public Tender is the release of the Draft Terms of Reference (General Part and Special Part) so that the interested parties can file observations until November 7, 2018. The IDU must release the response to such observations on November 21, 2018 and, on that same date, IDU will formally open the Public Tender (releasing the Definitive Terms of Reference). The schedule establishes that on December 21, 2018 IDU shall receive the corresponding offers presented by the bidders. It is foreseen that on February 2019 the respective contracts will be awarded and signed.

The required enabling conditions will vary depending on each one of the 8 groups of contracts. Among these requirements, it is important to underscore the following:

  1. The experience shall be accredited with 1 or up to 6 contracts that, depending on the group, shall evidence the: (i) construction, reconstruction or improvement of road infrastructure, for motor vehicle traffic of urban or interurban roads of the primary roads scheme; (ii) construction of minimum one underground vehicle road of minimum 8000 square meters; (iii) construction or structural reinforcement of vehicle bridges for motor traffic and (iv) construction of minimum one building for equipment, commerce and services use.
  2. Bidders shall evidence a Residual Capacity between USD $ 8 million and USD $ 23 million, approximately, depending on the contract to be awarded.
  3. Bidders shall accredit a Working Capital between USD $ 3 million and USD $ 9 million, approximately, depending on the contract to be awarded.
  4. Liquidity ratio equal or that exceeds 1,4.
  5. Among other requirements.

The Project aims to benefit at least 695.000 people directly; mobilizing between 150 and 200 Transmilenio buses and reducing the time of journey approximately from 2 hours to 50 minutes.


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