Until December 31, 2020, municipalities and districts may allocate to residential subscribers to water, sewage and sanitation utilities, maximum subsidies up to:
- Eighty percent (80%) for stratum 1
- Fifty percent (50%) for stratum 2
- Forty percent (40%) for stratum 3
By the initiative of the respective municipal or district mayor, the municipal councils shall issue transitional agreements implementing this measure.
In the event that the territorial entities decide to assume all or part of the cost of these utilities, they must transfer to the utility providers the corresponding part of the tariff that has been assumed by the respective territorial entity and will execute the acts and/or contracts that are required for this purpose.
During the Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency and the sixty (60) following days, those that provide the public utilities of water, sewage and/or sanitation may defer for a period of thirty-six (36) months the collection of the fixed charge and the non-subsidized consumption for the non-profit entities such as Zoos, Wildlife Holders, Aviary, Aquariums and Botanical Gardens or similar entities, without being able to transfer to the final user any interest or financial cost for the deferral of the collection.
Also, the option to contribute resources on a voluntary basis may be enabled on the invoices, which will be allocated to the solidarity and income redistribution funds. The surplus may be used to finance activities of the sanitation utility which are not covered by the tariff and that are directly related to the attention of the Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency, specifically, for the financing of activities of biosecurity.
Lastly, the Commission for the Regulation of Drinking Water Supply and Basic Sanitation shall issue the general regulation required to implement the measures contained in the legislative decrees issued.