The Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission noted in Resolution 108 of 2020 that the measures set out in Resolution 064 of 2020 on deferred payment of bills would also apply for the April, May and June billing periods.
Additionally, until two (2) months after May 30, 2020, commercialization agents must apply the tariff option defined in Resolution CREG 012 of 2020 when an increase of more than 3% in the Unit Cost of Service Provision or in any of its components occurs.
Finally, if the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit issue the joint resolution referred to in the third paragraph of Article 4 of Decree 798 of 2020, extending the deferral of payments for an additional billing cycle, the application of the measures set forth in Articles 4, 15 and 16 of Resolution CREG 058 of 2020, as amended and added by Resolution CREG 064 of 2020 and extended by this resolution, shall be extended for the same period.
You can find the Resolution in the following link.