The definition of "Price Offer and Start-Stop Prices" in numeral 3.1 of the Operation Code, Resolution CREG 025 of 1995, is modified.
The new definition is as follows:
"Price Offer and Start-Stop Prices
The electronic transmission of data established by CND will be used as the main means for sending information on offers to CND. CND and ASIC will apply confidentiality to the handling of the information of offers provided in this way.
As an alternative means, in the event of failures or unavailability in the communications or information systems, bid information shall be sent through the system defined by the CND, which is verifiable and secure, and easily accessible to market agents".
Finally, the definition of "Declaration of Availability" in paragraph 3.1 of the Operation Code, Resolution CREG 025 of 1995, is modified.
The new definition is as follows:
"Declaration of Availability:
For the Hourly Economic Dispatch, the generating companies must declare daily to the CND before 08:00 hours, the best estimate of the expected Availability (expressed in whole values in MW) at hourly level, for each generating unit.
In order to send the generation availability declaration to CND, the electronic data transmission established by CND shall be used as the main means. This information shall be made public at the latest by 9:00 a.m. on the same day.
As an alternative means, in the event of failures or unavailability in the communications or information systems, the sending of availability information by the system defined by the CND, which is verifiable and secure, and easily accessible by market agents, shall be used.
If at 08:00 hours the CND has not received the declaration of availability of one or more generators, or has received incomplete or inconsistent information, it shall assume the declarations that were submitted for each generation unit or plant the day before at the same time, or the last valid declaration".