May 19th, 2021
CAN aprueba Estatuto Migratorio Andino.

The countries of the Andean Community (CAN) approved the Andean Migratory Statute as an instrument that aims to regulate the Andean community law in matters of movement and residence of Andean citizens and their families, as well as of permanent residents that are nationals of non-member states.

The Statute reiterates rights such as non-discrimination, the prohibition of criminalization for immigration infractions, national treatment, family reunification, the right to access education, the right to vote, the right to transfer remittances.

The Statute reiterates that the Member Countries will continue to implement the use of the Andean Migration Card (TAM), as an instrument of immigration control, statistical and information purposes.

In turn, it is maintained that Andean citizens may be admitted in any of the other Member Countries, as tourists, by simply presenting one of the national identification documents, valid and in force in the issuing country, and without the visa requirement. These rights can be extended in some cases to permanent residents that are nationals of non-member states.

Andean citizens who wish to reside in a Member Country, other than their country of origin, may obtain a temporary or permanent residence, subject to the fulfillment of certain requirements. The residence can be requested at the consular level or within the destination country.

Permanent Residence grants the right to access any activity, both self-employed and employed, under the same conditions as nationals of the receiving countries, in accordance with the legal regulations of each country.

Andean citizens who obtain the Andean Permanent Residence will enjoy the same civil, social, cultural and economic rights and freedoms as nationals of the host country.

The Andean Immigration Statute will enter into force within a period of ninety (90) calendar days, counted from the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Cartagena Agreement, (May 12, 2021), and will be applicable immediate without subject to regulations. The member countries must adopt the necessary measures for its compliance.


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