April 16th, 2020

In order to facilitate an adequate response to the COVID-19 epidemy, the Government granted a temporary VAT exemption for 211 products and supplies that are necessary to combat COVID-19, such as the following:

  1. Protective glasses
  2. Latex and nitrile gloves
  3. Masks with filter and disposable masks, among others
  4. Robes, caps, sterile surgical clothing, surgical fields, operative field, sheets, covers, biological suit and other elements for body protection.
  5. Nasal and tracheostomy cannulas, among others
  6. Intubation kit
  7. Respiratory incentive
  8. Suction or aspiration of secretions
  9. Apnea equipment
  10. Hospital ventilators, transportation ventilators, and home use ventilators.
  11. Heimlich valve
  12. Aspiration probe, suction probe, urinary probe, among others.
  13. Blood transfusion equipment
  14. Defibrillator and cardio defibrillator
  15. Air inlet and outlet filters
  16. Temperature sensors and thermometers
  17. Fetal monitor
  18. Beds and stretchers
  19. Oxygen tank
  20. Ordinary and pediatric hospital beds

The balances due in favor of the taxpayers that arise as consequence of the application of these exemptions may not be compensated against other taxes or refunded to the taxpayer but may be credited in VAT returns of subsequent periods.

The exemption will remain in place for the duration of the Social, Economic and Ecological Emergency declared by the National Government.

Sales of the exempt products must be reported on a monthly basis to DIAN by means of a certificate issued by an accountant or auditor.

It is mandatory to incorporate the following legend in the invoices: "Exempt Goods - Decree 417 of March 17, 2020".

See Decree 551 of 2020

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