The Ministry of Justice decided to suspend temporarily the requisite of authorization through a public deed of gifts aiming to overcome and alleviate the crisis generated by the sanitary emergency. This suspension only applies in the case both the giver and receiver are legally capable and that it does not contravene any legal rule.
Section 1458 of the Colombian Civil Code provides the requirements of authorization for gifts through public deeds for those gifts that exceed 50 minimum wages per month as provided in the law. The suspension is necessary since it slows the whole process of executing a gift and this affects the immediate need of these contracts to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID 19. Therefore, it is necessary to suspend this requisite temporarily so that gifts can be more expedited to provide aid for the most vulnerable part of the population and to achieve more effectivity of the solidarity principle embodied in our Constitution.
This also obeys to the limitations imposed on the notarial services which limit to 5 the people that can be in one notary at the same time and that restricted the time services are offered to the public to only 5 hours 2 to 3 days per week.