The Ministry of Work issued Resolution 1248 of 2020 setting temporary training measures for work at heights during the Health Emergency declared due to the pandemic derived from COVID-19.
Scope of application
These measures apply to employees and providers of training in safe work at heights who obtain authorization from the municipalities or governorates of their jurisdiction, for their operation during the mandatory preventive isolation ordered by the national Government.
Exception for retraining in safe work at heights
Workers who are certified to work at heights and who in accordance with Resolution 1409 of 2012 should have been retrained since March 12, 2020, will be exempt from this requirement for up to 3 months, as from July 3, 2020.
All employees who want retraining must show their employer the latest certificate of authorization to perform work at heights. The employer will verify its legitimacy according to current regulations.
Temporary guidelines for training during the Health Emergency
During the Health Emergency, suppliers of training and retraining services registered with the Ministry of Work may offer complementary training programs in safe work at heights, provided they are authorized to reactivate their activities and comply with the following conditions:
Apply the biosecurity protocols established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection for suppliers of training services in fall protection when working at heights and have the corresponding approval from the corresponding municipalities or governorates.
Register the corresponding administrative act in the supplier registration platform for the training service for safe work at heights managed by the Mobility and Training for Work Directorate. This is a prerequisite for offering trainings.
Comply with all other requirements established by each Ministry or other governmental authorities during the Health Emergency.
Temporary virtual training for the theoretical component
During the Health Emergency, the theoretical components of the training course may be provided virtually for operational employees. For this purpose, all necessary adjustments must be made to ensure compliance with the contents and the required frequency. Additionally, the following minimum conditions must be met:
Adapt a virtual platform that allows the coach to interact with people in the training process. This platform must keep records of 100% compliance with the theoretical sessions of the modules of the approved training program, as well as the dates of entry and retirement of each person in the training process, evidence of tasks or activities carried out by them, deliverables, notes, and recordings of the classes. The license, permission, or authorization for public use of the technological tool must be reported on the provider registration platform.
The training process may not exceed the maximum number of people permitted pursuant to the provisions of section 7 of article 16 of Resolution 1178 of 2017. The supplier must follow up on the process documented and signed by the supervisor.
The person in the training process who does not comply with 100% of the virtual theoretical sessions, will not be able to attend the practical training sessions of safe work at heights.
Before starting the practical stage, all people in the training process must present and approve an exam on site of the theoretical part of the program, complying with the biosecurity protocols established for this purpose.
Practical component of training in work at heights
The practical stage in the training program for operational employees at basic operational and advanced level must be carried out in person in the place provided for this by the suppliers of these programs, including the Vocational Learning Units (UVAES for its acronym in Spanish).
Training providers in work at heights must guarantee the mandatory social distance of at least 2 meters inside their classrooms and tracks of practice, as well as compliance with other measures established by the competent authorities within the context of the Health Emergency.
Temporary extension for permanence in the supplier registry
Follow-up visits that the evaluator must carry out in accordance with the Technical Quality Standard (NTC) 6072, and article 53 of Resolution 1178 of 2017, will be suspended while they cannot be performed due to the preventive measures of mandatory isolation determined by the national Government.