The Ministry of the Interior, through Circular CIR2020-29-DMI-1000, notified the indigenous, ROM, black, Afro-Colombian, Raizales, and Palenqueras communities that prior consultations will be held virtually, due to the quarantine decreed by the President. Also, it suspended the agenda of prior consultation installation meetings held by the Directorate of the National Prior Consultation Authority.
This Circular establishes the suspension of the actions and face-to-face proceedings of the prior consultation processes of projects, works, and activities that involve visits, meetings, and physical agglomerations of the indigenous communities, ROM, black, Afro-Colombian Raizales and Palenqueras, until the State of National Emergency is lifted.
Aiming of allowing the participation of these communities in the prior consultation processes, the Ministry authorized the use of technological tools and virtual channels so that prior consultations of projects, works, and activities and of legislative and administrative with the communities mentioned above can take place. Additionally, it is established that once the mandatory isolation measure is lifted, missionary activities in the field, among others, will resume as usual.