The Administrative Unit of Pension Contributions and Payroll Taxes (UGPP) issues Resolution 385 of 2020 suspending terms in processes and actions of this entity.

The UGPP decided to suspend the following term during the health emergency:
- Determination, disciplinary and discussion administrative procedures
- Resources terms (recursos de reconsideración o acción de revocatoria directa)
- Collection of tax contributions
- Decisions on requests of termination by mutual agreement and judicial settlements
- Resources and decisions on resources denying requests for termination by mutual agreement and judicial settlement
All terms will again be in force as from the working day following the end of the health emergency.
This suspension will not be applicable whether the contributor requests the continuity of the administrative process or of the process of the termination request by mutual agreement or judicial settlement.
Lastly, the UGGP established the suspension of the terms set forth in Resolution 2082 of 2016 during the health emergency, for the submission of the consolidated billing report and the portfolio report divided by contributor.