June 25th, 2020
Bioseguridad cultura

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolution 957 of 2020, establishing the biosecurity protocol for cultural industries, radio, television, and media activities detailed in the International Standard Industrial Classification - ISIC 59, 62 and 90.


This protocol is complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020.

Protocol´s content

The biosecurity protocol adopted for cultural industries, radio, television, and media activities, includes the following measures: 

1.    Biosecurity measures for the responsible of such activities

1.1.    Locative measures.
1.2.    Measures in the areas in which the activities are carried out.
1.3.    Handwashing.
1.4.    Elements of personal protection - EPP.
1.5.    Maintenance and disinfection
1.6.     Tools, materials and work equipment.
1.7.    Waste management
1.8.    Prevention and management of situations of risk of contagion.
1.9.    Work organization alternatives.
1.10.    Communications plan

2.    Additional biosafety measures for employees or personnel providing their services in these activities 

2.1.    Social interaction.
2.2.    Measures when leaving the domicile.
2.3.    Returning to domicile.
2.4.    Disinfection and washing of elements
2.5.    Recommendations for remote work or work from home.

3.    Definition of main locative spaces and activities of the cultural, radio, television and media industry.

4.    Pre-production, production and post-production services of audio, video and performing arts content.
4.1.     Planning, pre-production, rehearsal and filming: We highlight the following measures:
a.    Non-presential composition of lyrics and music, and writing of librettos and scripts.
b.     Model making services and/or previews individually, virtually, or remotely
c.    Individual role rehearsal

4.2.    Recording services: It stands out:
a.    Individual or social distanced recording booths
b.    Production schedule for blocks of personnel 
c.    Scenes that involve agglomeration of extras will be eliminated and, if required, post-production effects will be used to multiply the people who will keep the minimum distance of 2 meters.
d.    Transportation of artists

4.3.     Post-production services (applies to audio and video recording and post-production studios): The following measures are highlighted:
a.    Remote and virtual work will be promoted for the editing, mixing, mastering and post processes of musical productions and audiovisual projects
b.    The transportation of post-producers must be guaranteed.

4.4.    Professional activities of computer systems development (planning, analysis, design, programming, testing), computer consulting and related activities (ISIC 62)

Monitoring compliance with the protocol

The supervision of compliance with this protocol is responsibility of the municipal or district secretariat or entity of this economic activity, of the municipality or district where it is carried out, without prejudice of the monitoring on the fulfillment of the employers' obligations by the Ministry of Labor, or other competent authorities.

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