As a legal measure to guarantee the protection of consumer rights within the framework of the health emergency due to Covid-19, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce developed a digital platform for the consumers to file claims, in real-time, about irregularities affecting their rights. This app can be used on mobile devices but can only be downloaded from the website of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, while it is enabled in digital stores.
The way to file a request through the mentioned platform is as follows:
- Enter the portal web of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce www.sic.gov.co/descargue-la-app-de-pqrfs
- Enter or not as anonymous
- Select the option "denuncia consumidor" (consumer complaint), in the communications menu.
- Attach the evidence that supports the complaint or request
- Fill in the personal data in case you have decided to enter without anonymity
- Finish the process by pressing the "radicar” (file) button.
In order to ensure the appropriate commercialization of goods and products during the health emergency generated by the Covid-19, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce is currently performing multiple visits to control and verify prices and take measures in commercial establishments and fuel dispensers.