April 8th, 2021

The Communications Regulatory Commission (“CRC”) launched the first phase of the Regulatory Sandbox, opening a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to participate in the experimentation of telecommunications and postal products and services.

Through Resolution 5980 of 2020, the rules applicable to the Regulatory Sandbox were implemented as an alternative regulatory mechanism based on monitored experimentation, to promote innovation in the provision of telecommunications networks and services. This Regulatory Sandbox involves the flexibilization of the regulation or the regulatory exemption granted to a project or company, to allow it to test new business models within a period of up to 12 months, extendable only once for 12 additional months, in a given geographic space, under the monitoring of the CRC.

From April 5th to May 3rd, 2021, the CRC will receive proposals and advise companies and entrepreneurs interested in participating in the Regulatory Sandbox. Projects that meet the selection requirements and are approved by the CRC will be evaluated based on the following criteria: i) innovation, ii) benefits for citizens, iii) need for regulatory flexibility, and iv) project implementation capacity.

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