June 2, 2020

The Standard Documents for public works processes of transport infrastructure that are carried out by the minimum amount modality must follow the following order:
- Public invitation
- Annexes
a. Annex 1: transparency pact.
b. Annex 2: communication of acceptance of the offer. - Formats:
a. Format 1: letter of submission of the tender
b. Format 2: conformation of the plural proposer
c. Format 3: experience
d. Format 4: financial and/or organizational capacity
e. Format 5: residual capacity
f. Format 6: social security payments and legal contributions - Matrices
a. Matrix 1: experience
b. Matrix 2: financial and/or organizational indicators
c. Matrix 3: risks - Forms:
a. Form 1: official budget form.
These conditions are restrictive and explicit, unless you have the express authority to modify them, they cannot be modified or added to.
Finally, these requirements start to apply from June 10 of the current year.