July 15, 2020

In accordance with Resolution 1537 of 2020, the procedure aimed at renewing the Special Permission to Stay (PEP), created by Resolution 5797 dated July 25, 2017, requested and granted between August 01, 2018 and December 21, 2018, to Venezuelan citizens registered in the Administrative Registry of Venezuelan Migrants (RAMV).
The Special Permission to Stay (PEP-RAMV) will be renewed to Venezuelan nationals who meet the following requirements:
- Be the holder of the Special Permission to Stay (PEP-RAMV), granted between August 1, 2018 and December 21, 2018, inclusive.
- Have no legal records at national and international level.
- Not having an expulsion or deportation measure in force.
- Not be the holder or beneficiary of a valid visa in any of its categories, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- The PEP-RAMV has not been canceled for any of the reasons established in article 6 of Resolution 5797 of July 25, 2017.
Likewise, the renewal of the term of the Special Permission to Stay (PEP) will proceed, for those Venezuelan citizens who were included in the Administrative Registry of Venezuelan Migrants (RAMV) and who were granted said document after December 21, 2018.