June 18, 2020
Retorno presencial

In Ministerial Directive No. 13, the Ministry of Education issued a series of general recommendations to ensure that, as of August, students return to educational institutions under an alternating attendance model, the latter being understood as the combination of academic work at home, complemented by periodic face-to-face meetings and organized attendance at the institution.

Likewise, from June onwards, the return to the laboratories and academic spaces for assisted practice will begin, equipped with technical equipment that requires handling in person. This does not include carrying out fieldwork and/or practices outside the facilities of the Institutions unless the practical or research laboratories are outside the Institutions.

In addition to complying with the Biosecurity measures dictated by the Ministry of Social Protection and the local authorities, educational institutions should adopt the following good practices to avoid the spread of Covid-19:

  1. Establish logistical measures to collect and know in detail the contact and identification information of the people who access the facilities, which academic and training spaces they attend, and the hours they will stay in the facilities. For this, they must have the prior consent of the data owner, within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Regime (Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013).

  2. Controlling and verifying in real-time the maximum number of people entering and remaining in the institutions.

  3. Develop a communications plan to promote self-care measures to prevent infection before, during, and after entry into the facility, as well as to educate people about how the virus is transmitted.

  4. Establish protocols for students to report changes in their health status promptly, to quickly and timely identify contagion. 

  5. To socialize and adopt protocols for the use of public and private transport, as well as to develop incentive plans for the use of bicycles and alternative means of transport.

Directive 13 of 2020



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