Considering the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Secretary of Health of Bogota, by means of Instruction No. 26 of April 24, 2020, established a series of recommendations to be followed by construction companies and companies within their supply chain to reduce exposure and infection of Coronavirus Covid-19 among their workers.
In this manner, the District of Bogota created responsibilities for construction companies, such as the inclusion of Covid-19 containment strategies in the Work Plans of the Occupational Safety and Health System (Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo), the identification of areas of greater exposure to the disease; and the promotion of good practices for the prevention of the spread of the virus. Likewise, the workers shall be responsible for the good condition of their work items, to use them appropriately and to inform the company, whenever required, about their health status.
These recommendations seek to complement and reinforce the measures adopted by the Colombian Government throughout Instruction No. 1 of April 11, 2020, intended to establish good practices to prevent and mitigate contagion and strengthen the actions proposed by the Occupational Safety and Health teams of each construction company operating in Bogota.