While the ICT Ministry initiates the appointment process of the 700 and 1900 MHz, the ANE has presented to the general public its study on the frequency bands for 5G in Colombia.

The race to bid for the radio electric spectrum for 5G has started

The ICT Ministry launched the “Spectrum bidding action plan”, which is the star of the 700 and 1900 MHz appointment process.

These frequencies are of high importance to any telecommunications networks and services provider, as they allow more coverage and infrastructure deployment.

The characteristics of these bands will also allow to initiate the implementation of fifth generation -5G- communication technologies along the country. 5G is the new global standard for the provision of telecommunications services. 5G technologies will allow the proliferation of disruptive solutions like the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, the National Spectrum Agency -ANE, for its acronym in Spanish- has started a public consultation process for the technical study of spectrum management, in order to prioritize the application of 5G in certain bands,

ANE seeks to enable frequencies for the operation of 5G services and allow more efficiency in the application of these technologies, as well as to enhance competitivity in the market.

It is important that existing and incoming technologic and communications  service providers take part in the consultation processes of the MinICT and the ANE, to ensure the ideal conditions for the allocation of spectrum frequencies for the use of 5G, and to define a transparent and effective process of the appointment of such frequencies.


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