On April 11, 2020 the Colombian Government established protection guidelines applicable to all personnel working on on-going construction projects during the health emergency, applicable to the activities of the project itself, as well as to the supply chain and materials, in order to prevent, reduce exposure and mitigate the risk of infection by coronavirus COVID-19.
Particularly, the guidelines are applicable to those responsible for the construction workers, site leaders, occupational risk managers, workers outside the site. The guidelines also comprise measures applicable to the construction sites, areas adjacent to the sites, cleaning and disinfection, equipment handling and production, supply and service chain.
Pursuant to the guideline, occupational risk managers shall provide workers and contractors with clear and timely information on COVID-19 preventive and containment measures, including information and ongoing education strategies, and comply with all actions to be taken by the occupational risk managers in accordance with Instruction 017 issued by the Ministry of Labor on February 24, 2020.
In addition to the foregoing, the person responsible for the workers shall carry out a Health Protocol for the Worksite Plan setting out strategies, alternatives and activities needed to minimize or mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 to ensure the protection of construction workers.
Also, a space must be defined inside the work to take care those workers that may present symptoms. This space must have at least a place to sit, disposable mouthpieces, hand sanitizer and alcohol, as well as first aid instruments that include identification and care of symptoms.
At last, each project must adapt its biosafety, prevention and promotion protocols for the prevention of the coronavirus COVID-19 in the area of influence of the projects. These protocols shall be articulated with the occupational safety and health systems and shall be informed to the National Government at planCOVIDconstruccion@minvivienda.gov.co before April 30, 2020.