Agreement PCSJA20-11556 May 22, 2020
The Superior Council of the Judicial Branch extended the suspension of procedural deadlines until June the 8th, with certain exceptions:
- Constitutional (tutela) and Habeas Corpus actions*.
*These actions should be filed by email.
*Throughout the suspension, Courts will not send files to Constitutional Court for review.
*From May 25 until June the 8th, the active criminal courts will not receive those actions.
*On holidays and weekends the distribution will apply to the Courts on call.
- Constitutional Court’s proceedings related to emergency’s presidential acts
- Administrative Law Exceptions: (i) Administrative Courts and Council of State (Supreme Administrative Court) should review emergency’s presidential acts, and administrative acts issued during the sanitary emergency. (ii) Approval or denial of pending ADR’s agreement. (iii) Control mechanisms included in the Act 1437 of 2011, if final decision is just the remaining step; in the first, appeal or single level of judicial power. Those decisions will be notified online. (iv) Actions included in the decree 01 of 1984, if final decision is just the remaining step; in the first, appeal or single level of judicial power.
- Civil Courts regarding
(i) Anticipated verdicts in the first or single level of judicial power, and written verdicts when the orientation of the decision was already stated.
(ii) The process and the resolution of appeals, complaints, and reconsiderations against preliminary decisions and verdicts.
(iii) The process and the resolution of appeals against preliminary decisions (not verdicts) and verdicts of administrative authorities with jurisdictional functions.
(iv) The lifting of the registered Interim measures.
(v) Credits liquidation.
(vi) Proceedings termination due to payment of the liabilities.
(vii) Land restitution proceedings except for acts that needs physical attendance.
- Labor Courts regarding: (i) some pension issues; (ii) cases involving a handicap person; and (iii) the appeal in written proceedings regarding unionized stability, among others.
- Some family, criminal and disciplinary proceedings
Throughout the emergency, judicial power’s officials will continue working online at home and there are some provisions regulating the exceptional case in which a judicial power worker need to attend his or her office.
The emails available and related to the exceptions will be online in the judicial power website.