27 of October of 2020
New terms for registering climate change mitigation initiatives.

Bearing in mind Colombian international commitments for reducing GHG emissions and mitigate climate change, the MADS is in charge of the regulation and management of the: (i) National Registry for mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“RENARE” for its acronym in Spanish); (ii) Accounting System for Reduction and Removal of Emissions; and (iii) the system for monitoring, reporting, and verifying mitigation actions. 

By means of Resolution 831 dated 20, September of 2020, the MADS modified the regulation on the monitoring, reporting and verification system for mitigation GHG at the national level (Resolution 1447 of 2018). The Resolution mainly modified the deadlines established in the Resolution No. 1447 of 2018 for the registration proceedings of climate change mitigation initiatives. 
The Resolution extended to December 31, 2020 the deadline for the validation and verification process that apply for mitigation initiatives by the accredited Validation and Verification Bodies, excluding to the  projects of the Clean Development Mechanism.  

Also, the Resolution established that, the restriction for registering in RENARE the GHG mitigation results of the last 5 years, will apply from January 1st, 2021 for the projects that validated its base line before July 1st, 2020. For the projects that do not comply with said requirement, the restriction will apply as of January 1, 2020. 

Additionally, regarding the existing GHG mitigation projects, the Resolution established a 3 month deadline for its registration in the RENARE, counted as of the date the platform begins its operation. 

Finally, the Resolution indicates that all methodologies for the formulation of sectorial GHG mitigation projects must have mechanisms to prove the methodological consistency of the projects baseline. The latter in accordance with the parameters of the national inventory of GHG and other scenarios of national reference. 

See full text of Resolution 831 of 2020


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