The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolution 1050 of 2020, adopting the biosecurity protocol for the risk management and control of COVID-19 in the following services:
i. Carryout service for the following activities:
• Sale of dine-in service of prepared meals (CIIU 5611)
• Self-service of prepared meals (CIIU 5612)
• Sale of prepared meals in cafeterias (CIIU 5613)
• Other types of prepared meals (CIIU 5619)
• Catering activities for events and other meal services (CIIU 562)
ii. Dine-in service for the following activities:
• Sale of dine-in service of prepared meals (CIIU 5611)
• Self-service of prepared meals (CIIU 5612)
• Sale of prepared meals in cafeterias (CIIU 5613)
• Other types of prepared meals (CIIU 5619)
within the place for municipalities authorized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
This protocol must be complemented with Resolutions 735 and 749 of 2020, as well as with the general protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and with all the measures deemed necessary by those responsible for each place.
It is composed as follows:
1. General biosecurity measures established in Resolution 666 of 2020
2. Additional biosecurity measures for carryout services of sale of dine-in service of prepared meals (CIIU 5611); Self-service of prepared meals (CIIU 5612); Sale of prepared meals in cafeterias (CIIU 5613); Other types of prepared meals (CIIU 5619); and Catering activities for events and other meal services (CIIU 562)
2.1. Locative measures
2.1.1. Adequacy
2.1.2. Maintenance and disinfection
2.1.3. Working tools and equipment
2.1.4. Personal protection elements
2.1.5. Handling of supplies and products
2.1.6. Waste management
2.2. Human capital
2.2.1. Interaction within facilities
2.2.2. Interaction during feeding periods
2.2.3. Work organization alternatives
2.2.4. Interaction with third parties (suppliers, clients, allies, etc.)
2.3. Communications plan
2.4. Prevention and management of contagion risk situations
2.4.1. Measures in coordination with the Occupational Risks Insurance Company (ARL for its acronym in Spanish)
2.4.2. Data bases
2.4.3. Risk situations management
3. Additional biosecurity measures applicable to services provided within the place for municipalities authorized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the sale of dine-in service of prepared meals (CIIU 5611); Self-service of prepared meals (CIIU 5612); Sale of prepared meals in cafeterias (CIIU 5613); and other types of prepared meals (CIIU 5619)
3.1. Locative measures
3.1.1. Adequacy
3.1.2. Maintenance and disinfection
3.1.3. Working tools and equipment
3.2. Human capital
3.2.1. Interaction within facilities
3.2.2. Interaction with third parties (suppliers, clients, allies, etc.)
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol is in charge of the secretariat or municipal or district entity belonging to these economic activities of the municipality or district where the gastronomic place is located. This, regardless the surveillance conducted by the Ministry of Work regarding compliance with obligations by employers or by any another authority in the execution of its duties.