The Ministry of Sport issued Resolution 632 of 2020, approving the specific biosecurity protocol for the practicing of Golf which was lodged by the Colombian Golf Federation.
Scope of application
This protocol applies to:
i. The protocol describes the measures that clubs shall implement in the golf fields to its re – opening for the recreational practicing, and exclusively embracing the complex of facilities inherent of a standard golf field:
ii. Each club may adjust the applicable measures to the characteristics of its infrastructure; however, clubs and its employees shall be committed to responsibly comply with the general principles of the protocols of biosecurity provided in the Resolution 666 of 2020.
This protocol is complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and to the measures deemed as necessary by each of the clubs.
Protocol´s content
The biosecurity protocol adopted for the practicing of golf includes the following measures:
1. Biosecurity measures for sports practice for high-achieving athletes, coaches, and support personnel of the selected sports modalities
1.1. Schedule for the game
1.2. Social distancing
1.3. Use of face masks
1.4. Cleaning and disinfection
1.5. Adjusting to the sport rules
1.6. Personal protection elements
1.7. Disinfection and cleaning of establishments, sports arena, and workplaces
1.8. Waste management
1.9. Prevention and management of contagion risk situations
1.10. Health surveillance in the context of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for returning to sports practice
1.11. Biosecurity measures when leaving home
1.12. Biosecurity measures among athletes, coaches, and support personnel during training
1.13. Biosecurity measures upon returning home
1.14. Living with a high-risk person
1.15. Management of risk situations
1.16. Monitoring of COVID-19 transmission symptoms among athletes, coaches, and support personnel
Monitoring of protocol compliance
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol lies on the municipal or district municipalities where each club operates.
The departmental and Municipalities bodies will be liable of the re – opening of the local teams´ activities.
The Colombian Golf Federation shall coordinate and ensure the appropriate applying of the specific protocol of biosecurity.