Resolution 1238 of July 21st, 2022 (the “Resolution”) establishes new measures of prevention and health protection against respiratory infections, including those caused by Covid-19.
The Resolution defines the following terms:
- Agglomeration: all concurrence of people in closed and open spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained. Agglomeration will also exist when the architectural layout of the space and the distribution of furniture does not allow the distancing.
- Self-care: Is the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote and maintain health, prevent and cope with diseases and disabilities with or without the support of a health professional.
- Biosafety: set of preventive measures that aim to eliminate or minimize the biological risk factor that could affect people´s health, the environment or life.
Each person must care for itself, for his/her family and the society. Greater measures should be taken if any of the family members has comorbidities that could cause serious illness due to Covid-19 infection.
Measures regarding hand washing and hygiene, physical distancing, face masks usage and adequate ventilation should continue.
The Resolution regulates aspects to consider when implementing hand washing and hygiene measures, among which we find:
- Use glycerinated alcohol minimum 60% maximum 95% when the hands are visibly clean and the glycerinated alcohol dispensers must be located in places of easy and frequent access.
- Have the supplies for hand washing hygiene, that is, clean water, soap and single-use towels (disposable towels) for drying hands.
- Have sites for frequent hand washing in common areas.
- Install reminders of the handwashing technique in areas where this activity is carried out.
- Frequently clean and disinfect the glycerinated alcohol dispensers.
All inhabitants of the national territory must avoid agglomeration in open and closed spaces, especially people with comorbidities, and defining strategies that will guarantee physical distancing and will minimize the concentration of people in the same place, such as: service hours, shifts, etc.
The usage of face masks is mandatory for people older than two years when in health institutions, nursing homes, public transport, mass transit stations, air, land, sea and river transport terminals, regardless of the progress of vaccination. The surgical mask should be used permanently by people with comorbidities that generate immunosuppression, especially transplants, cancer, HIV, among others, with respiratory conditions, as well as by unvaccinated people when visiting newborn children, older adults and people with comorbidities.
Mask usage will also be required in closed places of the metropolitan areas and suburban areas defined in each department and in the municipalities where there is a complete scheme vaccination coverage of less than 70% and in those places with a booster dose coverage of less than 40%. For suburban municipalities and metropolitan areas, the coverage of the main city will be considered.
Doors and windows should be kept open to achieve a natural flow of air and people should interact in open places such as terraces, open patios or gardens, and in closed places doors and windows must be kept open.
All environments must have a high flow of natural air, all person should make the necessary adaptations to guarantee adequate ventilation.
Likewise, the Resolution established measures when entering the country by air or maritime transport.