July 2nd, 2020

Through Resolution 1003, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection by which is adopted a new measure on environments where agglomerations and the revival of shopping centers occur.
Therefore, it is determined the following:
- As a preventive health measure, no public or private events involving agglomeration of people may be enabled during the time of the health emergency.
- By agglomeration it is understood all concurrence of people in closed and open spaces in which the physical distance of at least two (2) meters cannot be kept between person and person.
- Agglomerations should be considered to exist when the architectural layout of the space and the distribution of furniture and belongings makes such distance difficult or impossible.
- Non-compliance with this health measure may result in the suspension of the activities of the establishment.
- The decision should apply from the date of its publication.
See full text of Resolution 1003 of 2020.