On October 29, the Colombian Government passed Decree 1974, that regulates the implementation of Public-Private Partnership contracts, or PPPs, in the ICT sector. Projects that may be implemented under PPP models in the ICT sector include, the design and deployment of infrastructure and the services related to its operation, maintenance and equipment.

Such infrastructure shall ensure appropriate service levels and quality standards, in accordance with guidelines established by the ICT Ministry.

New decree would allow investment in ICT sector through PPP

The Decree, which seeks the implementation of Public-Private Partnership models, or PPP, to supply physical infrastructure and computer and technology solutions, regulates aspects such as goods and services that can be subject of PPP models; the handling of public, personal and sensitive information; the criteria to determine the availability and level of service, and the standards of technological obsolescence, among others. PPP models are an instrument for acquiring private capital through a public procurement to provide public goods and related services. The PPP models constitute a great mechanism for the investment of resources from the private sector, since they allow profitably to promote state programs and increase the coverage in the provision of public services.

Under Decree 1974, private companies specialized in the ICT sector will be able to invest in the design and deployment of infrastructure and the services related to its operation, maintenance and equipment. The aforementioned becomes especially relevant since the implementation of technologic solutions services is of the essence for the digital transformation of public entities.

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