April 20th, 2020

Through a joint Directive, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, established guidelines regarding e-commerce in light of the measures that were adopted by the Colombian Government in the context of the COVID-19.
- Products marketed through e-commerce can be distributed through postal services and collaborative economy companies.
- First necessity goods and goods of ordinary consumption can be commercialized through electronic channels and can be transported and delivered to the consumers. The Directive indicates that “goods of ordinary consumption” are all those that a person requires in their habitual surroundings.
- Postal services companies will be able to operate during the emergency.
- Individuals can circulate when their activities are necessary to ensure the operation of critical communications infrastructure, call centers, contact centers, technical support, e-commerce and data processing platforms, among others.
- Individuals can circulate when their activities are necessary to ensure the operation of Internet, postal services, courier logistics, radio, television, press and media distribution.