April 16th, 2020

In order to implement transitional measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the public health emergency caused by COVID-19, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“Minminas”) issued Decree 574 of 2020 (the “Decree”).
The Decree establishes measures in respect to the mining industry, the energy services and the distribution of fuel oil. Among the measures taken by the Minminas are the following:
A. Mining Sector
- A deferment is established for the payment of the surface fee, which shall be payable up to 15 business days after the lifting of the mandatory isolation measure ordered by the National Government.
- This measure will apply as long as the mining title holder is up to date with the payments.
- Although the amount due will not be subject to interest under the deferment, said amount must be updated with the consumer price index as from the moment of accrual until the effective payment date.
B. Fuel sector
- In order to guarantee the provision of public service and the attention to the basic needs of the country, Minminas, in the event of insurmountable restrictions on the supply of liquid fuels, of a non-transitory nature, that prevent the continued provision of the Liquid fuels supply service, may establish prioritization, rationing or attention schemes for fuel demand.
- To this end, Minminas may modify the levels of mixing of liquid fuels with biofuels, and this modification may be applied by region or municipality.