The Mayor of Bogota, gives the measures to allow a transition towards the deconfinement, which consists of resuming progressively economic and social activities, controlling the risk derived from the pandemic by COVID-19 in the middle of the state of calamity declared in the capital district. The measures ordered are the following:
In the health sector, it is mandatory for all persons leaving their homes to wear face masks and for people to maintain a distance of 2 meters to carry out any activity. Regarding sanitary measures for the establishments that restart their attention: (i) are required to comply with biosecurity protocols issued by the health authorities (ii) organize shifts and working conditions to ensure that the minimum distance is maintained, (iii) immediately inform the AR, line 123 and the EPS if a worker shows symptoms, (iv) clean and disinfect the facilities at least twice a day, (v) set special hours for people over 60 years of age, pregnant women and medical and health sector staff, and (vi) do not allow clients to have test products.
The District Health Secretary will provide special care areas within the city, where the necessary actions will be carried out to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus, such as testing of the inhabitants, assistance to vulnerable people, educational activities, disinfection sessions, among others. The circulation of the inhabitants in these areas is restricted, except for those who work in some of the activities exempted by the Government, as long as they do not present symptoms of the virus
In the mobility sector, the following will be implemented: (i) a plan to expand the network of platforms, bicycle paths and footpaths; (ii) an order to increase the number of parking spaces for bicycles; (iii) a Strategic Security Plan to prevent crimes against pedestrians and bicycle users; (iv) Solidarity peak and plate, in order to prepay the value allowed to allow the circulation, (v) new speed limit of fifty kilometers per hour (50 km/h) for all vehicles; (vi) circulation of private vehicles is restricted, only those necessary to comply with exceptional activities will be allowed to circulate; (vii) circulation of collective public transport is allowed.
All sectors of the economy that may resume activities must adopt the biosecurity protocols set out by the Ministry of Health and must register them at: www.bogota.gov.co/reactivacion-economica. In order to restart activities, they must register and receive authorization from the administration.
Manufacturing, construction or commerce companies that are within the exceptions, 15 days after registration and the beginning of work, must file through the same platform, the Safe Mobility Plan. The other sectors that are working, have a term of 15 days from the issuance of this Decree to register their biosecurity protocols and safe mobility plans in the platform. Compliance with the protocols and the safe mobility plan will be monitored at random by an interdisciplinary team made up of public employees and contractors from the District Ministries of Mobility, Health, Government, Development, Habitat and local municipalities.
Another measure that should be taken into account by economic sectors is the adoption of the following schedules to avoid agglomerations:
- Construction sector: Between 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- Retail marketing and sale of non essential products and services at the retail level. Between 12:00 noon and 11:59 p.m.
- Manufacturing sector: Between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
The non compliance with these measures leads to the imposition of the corrective measures of a fine, temporary suspension, and even the penalties set forth in the Criminal Code for violation of health measure.
Additionally, measures are taken to comply with the mandatory preventive isolation, allowing physical activity outdoors, complying with the schedules set for each age range. Those over 18 and under 60, may do so between 6:00 am to 10:00 am for one hour. If they are children between 6 and 18 years old, they will be able to do it 3 times a week for half one hour and accompanied by a caregiver. In addition, children and teenagers may leave from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. or from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Physical activities must comply with biosecurity protocols and must be done on an individual basis.