Given the increase in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 and the number of deaths in the localities of Bosa, Kennedy and Ciudad Bolívar, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, by means of Decree 155 of 2020, decreed the limitation of vehicles and people between June 30 and July 14 in these localities, especially in the following Zonal Planning Units (Unidades de Planeamiento Zonal - UPZ): Bosa Occidental, Gran Britalia, Las Margaritas, Jerusalén and Ismael Perdomo.
Identified persons and vehicles carrying out the following activities shall be exempted from these measures:
Supply and acquisition of essential goods by a single person from the family nucleus between 5:00 a.m. to 6:59 p.m. During this same time, one person per family nucleus will be able to walk pets for 20 minutes.
Provision of public and private health services
Care of the elderly, people under 18, dependents, the sick, the disabled or especially vulnerable people and animals.
Public order, general security and health care.
Matters of force majeure or extreme necessity.
In the same sense, only persons and vehicles fully identified in the provision or reception of the following services will be allowed to enter these localities:
- Medical care and emergencies.
- Fuel supply and its distribution.
- Ambulance services, health care, pre-hospital care, distribution of medicines at home, pharmacies, and health emergencies.
- Supply, production, distribution, loading, unloading and home delivery of essential goods.
- The provision of essential public home utilities.
- Provision of funeral services.
- The provision of services of private security companies and transport of money and valuables.
- The provision of banking and financial services, notaries and postal payment operations authorized by the National Government.
- The transport of live animals and perishable goods
- National, departmental or district emergency and relief agencies
- Activities related to the declaration of public calamity, economic emergency and data collection by public officials and contractors
- Essential social programs run by the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar - ICBF) and the District Secretariat for Social Integration, the District Secretariat for Women and the District Institute for the Protection of Children and Young People (Instituto Distrital para la Protección de la Niñez y la Juventud - IDIPRON)
- Accredited media operation.
- Operation of Transmilenio S.A. and the Integrated Transport System of Bogotá.
- Food and pharmaceutical production plants.
- Food, care and hygiene of animals in confinement or in specialized treatment.
- Taxis requested by phone or through digital platforms.
- The indispensable personnel for the execution of public civil works that are carried out in the locality.
Employers of people engaged in the activities described above shall establish home working or teleworking arrangements for those living in the above localities.
In addition, Portal de las Americas was declared in a state of orange alert, establishing measures for washing and disinfecting the Portal, suspending the 8-4 Corabastos feeder route and the operation of the mass public transportation system at the Patio Bonito, Biblioteca el Tintal, and Transversal 86 stations, among other measures.
Finally, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during the time of the limitation established through this decree.