Latest news on Bogota's Metro Project

On October 23rd 2018, the Metro Company of Bogota (“EMB” for its Spanish acronym) released through the Public Procurement Electronic System (“SECOP II” for its Spanish acronym) the Invitation for Prequalification (“Invitation for Prequalification”) and the Definitive Prequalification Documents (“DPD”) to all individuals and companies inserted in participating in the bidding process (the “Bidding Process”) to select the contractor that will be in charge of completing the studies, final designs, financing, construction, supply, tests, operation and maintenance of Section 1 of the First Metro Line for Bogota (“PLMB” for its Spanish acronym).

The EMB had already obtained the financing coming from the Interamerican Development Bank (“IDB”), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“BIRF” for its Spanish acronym) and the European Investments Bank (“BEI” for its Spanish acronym), that will be used for making the payments corresponding to Sector 1 of the PLMB.

The Project consider a fully elevated Metro, with automatic conduction that will start in the  district of Bosa and end in the district of Chapinero, for an approximate length of 23.96 kilometers (14.88 miles). The EMB will perform the preliminary works related with the anticipated transfer of networks and land management between 2018 and 2020. The construction works will start in 2020 and the operation will start in 2025. The approximate budget for this contract is USD $5.520 million.

Those interested in this project must comply, among others, the following requirements of experience and financial capacity:

1.    Technical Experience

  • Experience in the integral performance of Metro type projects.
  • Experience in the performance of civil works.
  • Experience in manufacturing and supplying rolling stock.
  • Experience in the installation of railroads. 
  • Experience designing, manufacturing and supplying signalization and automatic train control systems.
  • Experience in the operation of Metro projects.

2.    Financial Capacity*

  • Minimum net worth of USD $1.750.000.000 between the sum of all leaders’ net worth.
  • At least one of the leaders must have a minimum net worth of USD $700.000.000.
  • Experience in project financing: Financing of up to 4 contracts for USD $1.500.000.000. At least one of those contracts must have a financing of USD $
  • Liquidity ratio equal to or greater than 1.
  • Indebtedness ratio less than 0.9.

*Figures are expressed in December 2017 constant USD

The Bidding Process will be carried out in accordance with the regulations of the IDB. As per the schedule of the DPD, the PD’s clarification hearing will take place on October 31, 2018 and those interested can submit their clarification requests until November 9, 2018. The deadline for submitting the prequalification requests is foreseen for January 21, 2019.

Once the prequalification phase is completed and once the list of those prequalified participants is completed, the bidding phase is set to begin by May 2019. Accordingly, it is expected that the contract will be awarded by September 2019. 


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