Decree 054 of February 6, 2025, established the general rules for the Works for Taxes mechanism.
The essential factors to be considered with respect to the regulations issued by the Capital District are the following:
- Purpose: Payment mechanism of district taxes.
- Scope of application: Individuals or legal entities subject to income tax and complementary taxes, who, in the immediately preceding taxable year or period, have obtained gross income equal to or greater than 33,610 UVT (COP $1,581,855,000 for 2024 [~US$381,000]), and who are also taxpayers of district taxes.
- Projects: Investment projects submitted through the Works for Taxes mechanism must align with the general and strategic objectives of the Economic, Social, and Public Works Development Plan of the Capital District. Additionally, they must adhere to the technical guidelines set by the relevant district authorities in the Operational Manual of the Works for Taxes Mechanism (MOMOI), which will be issued within six months following the enactment of Decree 054 of 2025.
Several taxpayers may be involved in the selection and financing of a project.
- Agreement Modality: Taxpayers will enter into agreements with public entities at the district level for the direct execution and satisfactory completion of works or investment projects. In return, Titles for the Renovation of District Territory (TRDT) will be issued. These titles can be used to pay district taxes and are transferable. They will remain valid for two years from the issuance date.
- Calls: The District Tax Authority of Bogotá, based on the authorizations from the District CONFIS quota, will structure the calls.