Due dates for the Transfer Pricing obligations start next week.
Colombian companies that are members of a multinational enterprise and are not obliged to file informative Transfer Pricing returns, must notify the Colombian Tax Office regarding their group’s Country by Country Report status.


It is worth noticing that the due dates for notifying the Colombian Tax Office regarding the obligation of filing the Country by Country Report are approaching. This obligation is applicable for companies which are members of multinational enterprise and that are not obliged to comply with the formal obligations of the Colombian transfer pricing regime.  These companies must notify the Colombian Tax Office (DIAN) if their multinational group is obliged - or not - to file the Country by Country Report (either in Colombia or abroad).

The Country by Country Report is an obligation in force in Colombia since FY 2017 applicable to multinational enterprises that have revenues exceeding 81,000,000 Tax Units (FY 2018: COP$ 2,685,636,000,000; approx. USD $895 Million). The report contains information related to the global allocation of income, taxes paid, number of employees, among other indicators related to its global economic activities.

The due dates for this obligation are the following:


Last digit of the Company’s Tax ID
Due Date
0 July 9
9 July 10
8 July 11
7 July 12
6 July 15
5 July 16
4 July 17
3 July 18
2 July 19
1 July 22


If you have any query or require our support for compliance with this obligation, please do not hesitate to contact Edgar Ruiz (eruiz@bu.com.co) or Daniel Benítez (dbenitez@bu.com.co).


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