Through Decree 1168 of August 25, 2020, the National Government decided to adopt the Selective Isolation and Responsible Individual Distancing throughout the country, from September 1 to October 1.
This measure states that all people who stay in the national territory must comply with the biosecurity protocols for citizen behavior in public spaces to be issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social) for that purpose, in addition to complying with the selective isolation measures and promoting self-isolation.
In addition to the above, the following measures are established:
- Prohibition to the authorization of the following activities:
i. Events of a public or private nature that involve crowding of people,
ii. The bars, clubs, and dance halls.
iii. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in public spaces and commercial establishments
- Companies and entities in the public or private sector should encourage teleworking among their employees or contractors.
Additionally, highly affected municipalities may restrict the activities, areas, zones and households they consider relevant for the implementation of selective and targeted isolation, for which they must have prior authorization from the Ministry of the Interior (Ministerio del Interior) and prior concept from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social).
Municipalities that are not affected, or that are poorly or moderately affected, may not carry out selective isolation of activities, areas or zones. However, they may carry out selective isolation of homes with people with positive cases under study, or with symptoms.
In addition to the above, municipalities may request authorization from the Ministry of the Interior (Ministerio del Interior) for the implementation of pilot plans in:
- Commercial establishments that provide restaurant or bar service, for the consumption of alcoholic beverages within the place.
- Business fairs.
Finally, land, river and sea borders will remain closed until 1 October 2020.
See full text of Decree 1168 of 2020