Since the entry into force of the aforementioned Decree and until December 31, 2020, Financial Institution for Development S.A. (hereinafter "Findeter") and Bank of Foreign Trade S.A. (hereinafter "Bancoldex") may grant direct loans with a compensated rate, prior verification of compliance with the requirements for integral risk management administration by the Superintendence of Finance. Abovementioned credits are granted to finance projects and activities eligible to avoid the crisis or prevent the extension of its effects in the national territory, within the framework of Decree 417 of 2020, under the following conditions:
- The territorial authorities, which access to these credits, must comply with the rules on indebtedness, ensuring that the resources received are used only for the projects financed.
- Findeter and Bancoldex shall establish the maximum amounts of resources and the general financial conditions of the credits to be granted through the operation authorized by this Decree. Likewise, all authorized operations must be motivated and justified.
- Findeter and Bancoldex will carry out this type of operations in terms of granting, follow-up and recovery of loans granted in compliance with the conditions established in the legal provisions and administrative acts in force.
Additionally, this Decree establishes that exceptionally, Findeter may grant direct loans with a compensated rate and/or syndicated loans with public international law entities to finance investment projects in eligible sectors. In this case, prior verification by the Superintendence of Finance of compliance with the requirements for the administration and management of integral risk management systems is also required. With respect to the eligible sectors, priority shall be given to municipalities of category 4, 5 and 6 and departments of category 2, 3 and 4 and districts. Taking into consideration, in addition to the above conditions, the feasibility granted by the Ministry or entity to monitor the resources allocated to the financed projects is also required.