Transporte de combustible

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (the "Ministry") published for comments the draft resolution by which the Digital Guide Information System (SIGDI) will be adopted (the "Project") related to the land transportation activity of hydrocarbons, liquid fuels, biofuels, blends, and other petroleum derivatives. 


The Decree 1073 of 2015 incorporated specific regulations and requirements for the transportation and distribution of liquid fuels in Colombia, including the guide for the transportation of hydrocarbons, biofuels, and their blends, which is the digital and/or physical document that supports the operation of the transport of the products inland or inland waterway transport of the products.


The Project proposes a digital guide, as a digital transport document that allows the transportation of hydrocarbons, liquid fuels, biofuels, blends, and other petroleum derivatives on national roads) the “Digital Guide”). The Digital Guide will be generated through the SIGDI by the agents of the chain and will have a maximum validity of 24 hours unless the transportation activity exceeds this time (in which case, authorization for an extension of the term is required from the Ministry). Border areas would have a different term according to the provision plans. SIDGI is a free digital platform to facilitate the generation and access to the Guide for liquid fuels and hydrocarbon transportation agents. In addition, the user manual of the SIGDI will also be adopted as a technical annex.


The digitization of the Guide contributes to in the effort to guarantee the security and reliability of the document and, with it, to optimize the monitoring and control mechanisms of fuel distribution, as well as to produce economic efficiencies for operators, agents and actors, who currently have to cover the cost of the physical waybills.


The provisions of the Project would apply to operators (holders of O&G contracts granted by the ANH), agents (refiners, transporters, importers, retailers, storage companies, transporters, great consumers, and wholesalers) and actors (producers or importers of fuel alcohol and biofuels for use in diesel engines) in the land transportation chain of hydrocarbons, liquid fuels, biofuels, blends, and other petroleum byproducts in Colombia, including border areas. 


The SIDGI will be managed by the Ministry, including the verification, approval, and custody of the Guides. 


The SIGDI can use any available sources of information to obtain the information to be included in the Digital Guide, including the SICOM  and any other system developed by the Ministry for effective monitoring, tracking, and control of distribution, transportation, and commercialization activities of hydrocarbons, liquid fuels, biofuels, blends, and other petroleum derivatives.


The Project includes a transition period during which the persons subject to the norm, must use both physical and digital guides for a period of up to 6 months from the effective date of the resolution adopted. After that term, the exclusive use of digital guides will be mandatory. Therefore, an enrollment and certification process will be established to ensure an uninterrupted transition to the Digital Guide system. However, any operator or agent who needs to use physical guides after the transition period must obtain prior permission from the Ministry, providing details regarding the need, number of guides, and duration of use.


To review the Project, please follow the provided link

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