June 8, 2020

With the social purpose of facilitating the recovery of small and medium producers who have been affected by the health emergency or whose situation has worsened, and to promote financial stability in the Colombian countryside, Banco Agrario Colombia S.A. and the Fund for the Financing of the Agricultural Sector-FINAGRO, as administrator of the Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FAG), are authorized to enter into recovery and payment agreements, under the terms and limits set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, during health emergency, for which purpose the following provisions have been adopted:
- Article 2 of Law 1302 of 1996 is amended to include the effects of the the sanitary emergency associated with COVID 19, within the events that allow the Agricultural Solidarity Fund to acquire the loans of agricultural producers from financial intermediaries.
- The Ministry of Agriculture is authorized, during the health emergency, to contract directly, with prior technical justification, the logistics and necessary activities to guarantee the food security of agricultural products and inputs throughout the national territory, as well as the support and incentives required by the agricultural sector.