June 30th, 2021
Decreto 690 de 2021: Manejo Sostenible Forestal

The Decree issued by MADS introduces reglamentary novelties for the sustainable management of wild flora and non-timber forest products, which will have to be applied by environmental authorities and by everyone who is interested in the management of this products. Through this Decree, the government creates a protocol in which the conditions for the sustainable management of these resources are set, without compromising their survival, and also, strengthens the actions that search the economic and sustainable reactivation of the country.

In addition, it sets further steps for the strengthening of the 2030 zero-deforestation goal, due to the fact that the communities that inhabit the natural forest will be able to subsist without deforestation. This Decree give economic alternatives that allows them to take advantage of the products that aren't timber.

This regulation establishes that whoever is interested, will be able to use non timber products through permits, concessions, and authorizations, which will be granted by the environmental authorities. For that matter, the Unified National Format must be filled out, and, furthermore, a technical study must be developed for the exploitation activities in which commercialization of the products is planned.

The Decree establishes that sustainable management of wild flora and non-timber forest products can be (a) domestic, for satisfying vital needs, but without commercialization, granted by a permit, and (b) persistent for those cases in which renewability is pretended, and in this case, the permit will be granted under 3 modes, that will depend on the expected annual income: small, medium and big.

The regulation also sets conditions for sustainable use by the indigenous communities and black communities, which is in accordance to article 15 of law 21/1991 and article 19 of law 70/1993, respectively. Ethnic communities will have the right to participate in the us, management, conservation, and commercialization of those products.

In this terms, the Decree implies the consolidation of actions that allow a balance between the conservation and production, reflected in the National Plan for Development.


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