April 29th, 2022
CREG resolution proposal for the calculation of fuel prices procedure.

CREG, by delegation of the Ministries of Mines and Energy and Finance and Public Credit, published a draft resolution that proposes the procedure for the calculation and periodic publication of the reference prices of fuels in Colombia.

CREG includes in the draft resolution the disaggregation of each of the components that are part of the fuels price structure, including the income value for producers, or importers of regular motor gasoline, regular oxygenated motor gasoline, diesel, and the mixture of diesel and biodiesel. The reference values of the components that are part of the price structure of liquid fuels will be calculated and updated in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 40112 of 2021 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

in general terms, the draft resolution maintains the components for calculating fuel prices, as well as the publication procedure that the Ministry of Mines and Energy had been applying in the exercise of this function.

Once the final version of the resolution proposal is published, it is expected that CREG will carry out a socialization process for the implementation of this procedure.

The draft resolution will be open for comments until April 29 and can be consulted at the following link: http://apolo.creg.gov.co/Publicac.nsf/1c09d18d2d5ffb5b05256eee00709c02/828f9449912171110525882c007df55d?OpenDocument

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