The Ministry of Work modified Decree 1477 of 2014 with the Occupational Diseases Table in order to include COVID-19 as an occupational disease for health employees, including administrative, cleaning, security and support personnel who provide direct services in the different activities for the prevention, diagnosis and attention of this disease.
Until the facts that gave rise to the Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency remain, the Occupational Risks Insurance Entities (ARL for its acronym in Spanish) must bear the costs arising from screening and diagnostic tests carried out on dependent employees and independent contractors hired through a service agreement for the health sector. For this purpose, the ARL may reimburse the cost of these tests to the health service providers or enter into agreements.
Likewise, the Ministry of Work modified contractor´s obligations regarding the General System of Occupational Risks as follows:
- Report to the ARL all work-related accidents and occupational diseases.
- Investigate all incidents and work-related accidents.
- Carry out prevention and promotion activities.
- Include people covered by this section within the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
- Allow the contractor to participate in the training carried out by the Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work.
- Verify at any time the fulfillment of the safety and health requirements necessary to fulfill the hired activity of the people to whom this section applies.
- Inform affiliated contractors at risk IV and / or V about the contributions made to the General System of Occupational Risks.
- Adopt all necessary mechanisms to make the advance payment of the contribution when the contribution payment is at its expense.
- Provide their contractors with the personal protection elements required to carry out the contracted activity.
Lastly, during the term of the Health Emergency, the ARLs must contribute with the financing and / or with the delivery of the personal protection elements of their affiliates, when these correspond to the health personnel, including administrative, cleaning, security and support staff who provide services in the different prevention, diagnosis and attention activities of COVID - 19 and who are linked through a service agreement. To this effect, the ARL will apply prioritization criteria according to the level of risk exposure. Likewise, the ARL will arrange with the contracting entity or company the way in which the corresponding financing and / or delivery will be made.