INTRODUCTION  It is well known the corporate obligation to register the control situation in the mercantile registry for those entities domiciled in Colombia and which are controlling, or controlled entities (the “Obligation”). However, there has been an interpretation of such obligation that it is only binding for Colombian companies and not for branches of a foreign company (the “Branch”).    Regarding such discussion, repeated doctrine of the Superintendence of Companies (the “Superintendence”) establis


It is well known the corporate obligation to register the control situation in the mercantile registry for those entities domiciled in Colombia and which are controlling, or controlled entities (the “Obligation”). However, there has been an interpretation of such obligation that it is only binding for Colombian companies and not for branches of a foreign company (the “Branch”). 

Regarding such discussion, repeated doctrine of the Superintendence of Companies (the “Superintendence”) establishes that foreign companies with a Branch are subject to the Obligation and must comply with it. 

Additionally, the Superintendence issued a Resolution – at the end of last year – imposing a sanction on a foreign company with Branches in Colombia for not registering the control situation (and corporate group with respect to the aforementioned Branches).


What is understood as “control situation” (the “Situation”)?


From a corporate perspective, “control” refers to the condition where the decision-making power of a company is subject to the will of one or more persons (individual or legal). The person who “controls” is called “parent” or “controlling” company, while the controlled company is called “subordinate”. This Situation may be direct or indirect, the latter being when it is exercised through other companies. 


Why is it relevant for the business world to disclose the Situation?


The disclosure of the existence of such Situation is of public interest. Since when this information is unknown there is a risk for stakeholders who interact with companies because, in simple terms, they would be blind as to who controls the company with which they are interacting.

Likewise, this serves for the government to comply with social functions of great historical and current relevance for the country, such as (i) fighting against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, (ii) as well as other corporate processes including: the piercing of the corporate veil or the disregard of the legal personality of the legal entity;  the subsidiary or joint liability of the parent company and shareholders in bankruptcy events; when the company is used in fraud to the law or in detriment of third parties, as well as for the verification of the reality of the operations between a company and its related parties. 


Should the disclosure of the control situation be exercised over the foreign company or the branch in Colombia?


The foreign company is an independent legal entity, while the Branch does not have legal personality, but it is an extension of the foreign corporation in Colombian territory. 

Based on the foregoing, the control is exercised over the foreign company and not over the Branch. 


In what scenario should the foreign company’s Situation be registered in the mercantile registry of the foreign company branch?


The Situation must be registered when the foreign company (owner of the Branch in Colombia) is, directly or indirectly, controlled at a higher level. When such Situation is configured, it will be necessary to register it in the mercantile registry of the Branch in order to comply with the Obligation.

In this sense, if there is no company at a higher level that exercises control over the foreign company the Situation will not take place between the foreign company and the Branch in Colombia, consequently there would be no Obligation. In any case, the foreign company does not exercise the Situation over its own Branch in Colombian territory, since it is the same legal entity (i.e., an extension of itself). 




众所周知,住所地在哥伦比亚的公司有义务在商业登记中心登记其控制权情况,包括其控制实体或受控实体(以下简称“义务”)。但有一种解释认为,该义务仅适用于哥伦比亚公司,不适用于外国公司在哥伦比亚的分公司 (以下简称 “分公司”)。



问题 1:



从公司角度看,控制是指公司的决策权受制于一个或多个自然人或法人的意志。拥有控制权的被称为“母公司”或 “控股股东”,而被控制的公司被称为 “子公司”。控制可以是直接的,也可以是间接的。间接控制是指通过其他公司行使控制权。

问题 2: 


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问题 3: 


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问题 4: 


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