March 18, 2021
Colombia lanzó formalmente su NDC 2020-2030 actualizada

Complying with the obligations established in the Paris Agreement, on March 10, 2021, Colombia formally launched its updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Through this updated NDC, Colombia, as party of the Paris Agreement, communicates the climate actions that are planned and will be implemented after 2020 and until 2030.

Through NDC 2020-2030, Colombia establishes its roadmap to implement the required mitigation measures and adaptation goals to face the global climate change reality, establishing new sustainability dynamics and tools to materialize actions and obtain results during the next 10 years. The latter, in the framework of three essential components: (i) mitigation of greenhouse gases; (ii) adaptation to climate change; and (iii) implementation tools for public policies and actions for the low carbon development, adapted and resilient to climate. 

Additionally, it is important to mention that the Colombian updated 2020-2030 NDC establishes climate actions that entail the following transversal subjects:

  1. Food security and eradication of poverty.
  2. Just transition of the labor force.
  3. Human rights.
  4. Intergenerational equity and territorial inclusion.
  5. Differential approach with ethnic and vulnerable communities.
  6. Gender equality and women empowerment.
  7. Protection of water, ecosystems, and biodiversity. 
  8. Implementation in the framework of COVID-19.

Finally, among the most relevant goals of the Colombian NDC, the goal to reduce 51% of emissions of carbon dioxide for 2030, which is compatible with the goal of carbon neutrality for 2050.


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