This news is a compilation of all the credit lines that have been approved by Bancoldex in the last few weeks.
Through Circular No.006 of April 2, 2020, concerning the credit line under the name of Colombia Responde Para Todos, the National Government, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Bancoldex, in order to provide liquidity tools that contribute to the sustainability of enterprises and job preservation, have implemented a new preferential credit solution with an amount of the quota of COP 350,000,000,000.
The beneficiaries of this credit solution would be natural and legal persons, considered as micro, small, medium or large enterprises, from all economic sectors except the agricultural sector, as well as companies financed through the Colombia Responde para Todos. Loans may be granted to partners or shareholders of legal entities when the resources are used to capitalize the company. Likewise, trustee may also have access to these resources provided they meet the aforementioned conditions. It should be noted that the resources must be allocated to working capital and may be used to generate liquidity by improving the financial conditions of the company's current liabilities.
The credit line under the name Colombia Emprende E Innova Contra los Efectos Económicos del COVID19 , created by Circular 007 of 8 April 2020, by the National Government-iNNpulsa Colombia and Bancoldex's Business Growth Management Unit. The amount of the quota is approximately s COP 6,000,000,000. The beneficiaries would be: (a) all companies in all economic sectors with a minimum of six and a maximum of ninety-six months' turnover; (b) the trustee of the above-mentioned companies. The resources are intended for raw materials, inputs, payroll and other operating costs and expenses. Likewise, the resources may be used to generate liquidity by improving the financial conditions of the company's current liabilities, except for liabilities with partners or shareholders.
The Mayor's Office of Cúcuta and Bancoldex, also provide a preferential credit line with the same purpose of maintaining liquidity of companies with a quota of approximately COP 3,100,000,000. The beneficiaries of this line are all natural and legal persons considered as micro-enterprises. The resources will be exclusively to meet operating costs such as payroll, raw materials, inputs and other operating costs and expenses.
Through Circular 009 of April 15, 2020, the Norte de Santander Department and Bancoldex, in order to anticipate the negative effects on economic activity of the presence of COVID 19 in the country, have designed a preferential credit solution for maintaining liquidity of companies while overcoming the current situation. This line has a total quota of COP 12,000,000,000. It is aimed at all companies in all sectors domiciled in the Department of Norte de Santander. On the other hand, the resources must be exclusively for payment of payroll, raw materials, inputs and other operating costs and expenses.
The Mayor's Office of Barranquilla and Bancoldex have also designed a preferential credit solution aimed at maintaining the liquidity of companies in the region. The Barranquilla line responds to the economic effects of COVID 19 with a total quota of COP 60,000,000,000. The beneficiaries of this line would be companies from all sectors domiciled in Barranquilla. The resources should be allocated to working capital, which includes payment of payroll, raw materials, inputs and other operating costs and expenses. They may also be used to replace, consolidate or re-profile the company's liabilities, without this component exceeding 40% of the maximum amount that each beneficiary may request, excluding liabilities with partners and liabilities with Bancoldex resources.
Circular 11 of 2020
Circular 10 of 2020
Circular 9 of 2020
Circular 8 of 2020
Circular 7 of 2020
Circular 6 of 2020