May 12 2020

Regarding remote work of employees over 60 years old, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection concludes the following:
- Compliance with the sanitary measures established in biosecurity protocols must be carried out within the framework of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. As part of this, employers and contractors must develop and implement strategies for monitoring employees or contractors ‘health, identifying:
- People over 60 years old.
- Employees with pre-existing diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure, lung disease, heart disease, kidney disease and other diseases that affect the immune system (cancer, transplants).
- People of any age group including those of 60 years or more who present pre-existing morbidities shall be prioritized to carry out their work activities remotely or to be subject to the alternatives established in Circular Letter 33 of the Ministry of Work.
- If a person of 60 years or more does not have health situations with the aforementioned conditions, age is a factor to be evaluated by the employer or the contracting party to define whether the person performs his or her activity in person or remotely.
- Employees or contractors who have been identified with morbidities, and the activities they carry out, by their nature, cannot be performed remotely, must be prioritized by the employer or contractor on shifts or in any other form of work organization, so that they have a lower risk of contact with other people. The biosecurity protocol must be based on 3 pillars: prevention, containment, and mitigation. All measures must be supported in the proper traceability of the information of the stakeholders, the organized social isolation for the development of the activities and the protection and biosecurity measures.
- Employees and contractors mentioned in this circular cannot be discriminated for this reason.