Emergency and contingency plans are activated for the management of disasters and emergencies associated with the provision of domestic public water and sewage services and sanitation.
Therefore, it is necessary to review, update, and implement the protocol for water distribution by alternative means, especially regarding the users or communities that do not have access to these services.
On the other hand, those who provide the water service must immediately reinstall it for residential subscribers, except for those whose have been suspension or disconnection was due to fraudulent connections. If the reconnection is not possible, drinking water shall be provided by alternative means. Nor may this service be suspended or cut off.
Also, a protection and surveillance protocol must be established for operational personnel of public water, sewage, and sanitation services, based on the sanitary measures indicated by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
Municipalities, districts, and departments must guarantee the supply of drinking water through alternative means of supply.
On the other hand, the use of SGP-APSB (for its Spanish acronym) resources may be used to finance alternative means of supply.
To guarantee the transfer of resources to providers for the payment of subsidies through the implementation of direct transfers.
Finally, municipal and district mayors are instructed to take the actions they deem necessary to carry out timely transfers of resources for the payment of subsidies to the providers of these services in the context of the emergency.