January 20th, 2021
Changes in the collection goals of reverse logistics plans and systems

By means of Resolution No. 1343 dated December 24, 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible) (“MADS”), provided exceptional transitory measures to apply to reverse logistics plans and systems for postconsumming waste (Sistemas de Recolección Selectiva y Planes de Gestión de Devolución de Productos Posconsumo) for the year 2020. 

During 2020, the National Government implement several measures to address the public health crisis caused by COVID-19. Said measures included preventive mandatory isolation, limiting free movement of persons and vehicles. Isolation measures had a big impact on the collection mechanisms used by the following reverse logistics plans and systems: (i) computers and peripherals; (ii) batteries and accumulators; (iii) wastes of fluorescent light bulbs; and (iv) tires. It also affected the following plans and systems: (i) used lead batteries; (ii) pesticides; and (iii) expired medicines. 

The MADS established that the collection goals for 2020 will be evaluated in accordance with the following percentages: 

Changes in the collection goals of reverse logistics plans and systems

To apply the above-described percentages, Reverse Logistics Systems and Plans must submit to the National Authority of Environmental Licenses (Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales) (“ANLA”) an update of the collection progress report. Said report must include: (i) explanation of the logistical difficulties in the collection and management of wastes related to COVID-19; and (ii) a description of the implemented measures, during 2020, to overcome logistic difficulties caused by COVID-19. 

In case the Reverse Logistics Plans or Systems failed to achieve the goals indicated in the table above, they can comply with the remaining amount of the collection goals in the next five (5) years. The owner of the Reverse Logistics Plan or System must include in the following collection progress report the waste amount that applies for achieving each year’s goal. 

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